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Welcome to my website Audiophile Albums. I have been passionate about music from an early age, often collecting vinyl albums, CDs, digital music, and cassettes in which to listen to them and enjoy. Good quality music can literally transport you to a different world and fill holes in your soul.

The Search For That Particular Sound

My procession through music has been one of self-discovery, as no one recommended or shared with me what they were influenced by. So, I started listening to the radio, rock, and pop at a young age. I got older and got into hair and metal bands in my teenage years. Then moving to progressive rock in my twenties. In my thirties, it got more into singer-songwriters and the blues. Now in my forties, I am really into Jazz.

I would always see jazz albums listed in record clubs when I was a kid and I always knew one day I would head down the jazz rabbit hole and I am really glad I finally did. I don’t think I was probably mature enough to understand jazz and appreciate it. I think my musically taste had to progress through decades to get me to understand music in a broader sense.

I always tried to avoid being a music snob unless it’s the new Bro-Country. My god is that awful stuff. Despite that, I remember something I read in Guitar World when I was a teenager something about a true musician appreciates all forms of music. This stuck with me and I never tried to pass any judgment on other genres of music and to keep an open mind.

My taste has been more refined over the years and I am always looking for an album that was recorded well and just sounds amazing. You know when you put it on and you forgot for a while your problems. I love finding, listening, and sharing audiophile albums.

To Scratch That Audiophile Itch

When you have “Audiophile” in your name it can bring up superiority or other negative views. I know it does for me as well. But I would like to change that to a minimum at least in my own mind and hopefully visitors to my site as well. No audiophile douchery here.

I am by no means an ultra-rich audiophile that knows it all. Often times finding and using the cheaper audio equipment and saving a buck. I like things simple. I know I like good sound and that is it, I know it when I hear it. Sorry, I don’t need my ego ear-beating people about how much I know or how expensive my audio equipment is. I steer away from that bullshit.

Do I have super expensive equipment?

Nope. I wish I did though. I do have some expensive records though.

Do I enjoy good music?

Oh hell yeah!

That all.

Keep it simple, is my motto and I hope my website reflects that saying.

Rich or Poor Welcome

I hope to help fellow music listeners to find and enjoy high-quality recorded music. Explore all genres of music in an easy-to-find manner. Tear away the choking and weight burden effects of elitism.

My Goal

To be a resource for people looking to find albums and audio equipment that can transform their reality into something brighter, warmer, and enjoyable. To provide information as well in the form of best practices, ideas, and tips.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

Now drop that stylus,



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